86615: "Road Transport" Freight Car Set

From Complete Program 2001/2002.

Prototype: Kaelble type 70 021 tractor with German State Railroad Company (DRG) Culemyer design road roller. Beer refrigerator car with brakeman's cab, privately owned by Ganter Brewery, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. Used on the German State Railroad Company (DRG).

Model: Tractor comes with metal frame and supersructure. Road roller is made of metal. Railroad car and road vehicles in a special version. Not available separately.

One-time special series in 2001. Delivery starting the 3rd quarter of 2001.

Total length: 66 mm (2-5/8")

First catalog: Exclusiv 2/2001 E
Last catalog: Complete Program 2001/2002 E

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