2 matches for ^82516$

0659: Russia - Flag Series

Series 5

Date: 1991

AKA: 82516

82516: "Wood Transport" Swiss Freight Car Set

From Complete Program 2003/2004.

Prototype: 4 different Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) freight cars, for the transport of wood. 2 type Snps stake cars. 2 type Eaos high side gondolas.

Model: Both freight cars are loaded with freshly cut timber. Both high side gondolas are loaded with mining timber. Models not available separately.

One-time series

The 88501 general-purpose locomotive goes well with the 82516 freight car set.

Length over buffers: 325 mm (12-13/16")

First catalog: New Items for 2003 E
Last catalog: Presentation Book for 2005 E

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