Z Vendors
Authorized Märklin Dealers
The following are vendors we've dealt with extensively. They can each get you any item Märklin can ship. They all discount and service orders by mail. All are honest, reliable and helpful.
Stoneleigh Hobby - good prices, fastest delivery (StoneleighHobby@juno.com)
- Annie Jewel & Charlie's Kids - good prices, knowledgeable, friendly and responsive to email (service1@ajckids.com)
- LokShop - English speaking dealer in Germany - great resource for spare parts.
- Modellbahn Ott Hobbies - knowledgeable dealer, good prices
Helmuts Hobby Specialties
- good prices, personal service, regular newsletter
- Jim's Hobby Supply - best prices across the board
Westend Toronto Trains
- collectibles, communicative, Canadian
Ted's Toys & Trains
- online, good discount, good people
Discount Train & Hobby - well stocked plus hard-to-find items (sales@discount-train.com)
Casa Royale
- well stocked, good prices
The Red Caboose
- good technical knowledge, good selection
Since we've come so far out of the loop and hardly deal with anyone any more
we list the following authorized dealers who are probably good bets even though
we have no purchase experience.
We haven't dealt with Walthers directly but they're worth noting for their catalog
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Fri, Dec 22, 2006